Lumbrokinase 32mg 60 cap
The Earthworm Enzyme
This purified enzyme is derived from a special species of earthworm. Wait! It may sound a bit strange - but don't stop reading just yet...
Research has shown that Lumbrokinase may help promote normal blood coagulation; which means you could avoid blood clotting. Blood clots can lead to many health issues including stroke and heart attack.
Lumbrokinase from Allergy Research is designed to enhance your body's fibrinolytic activity - which is and enzyme's ability to dissolve the fibrin in blood clots.
Product Details:
- May support healthy coagulation of blood within normal levels
- May support enhanced fibrinolytic activity, similar to nattokinase
- Supports healthy blood viscosity
Lumbrokinase or LK has shown the ability to break up blood clots only in the presence of fibrin. That means excessive bleeding from thinned blood is much less likely.
This enzyme is already widely used in China. It has gone through four phases of clinical studies at Beijing's top nerve and internal medicine hospital.
If you are taking other anticoagulants, make sure to consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product.